The RealEYES project aims to unite creativity and solidarity by using donated works to raise funds for “Francesca’s Cells” a study to characterize Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

NAnA’s Ship

NAnA’s Ship is an event designed to remember Francesca Martini on the anniversary of her passing and to raise funds for leukemia research. It takes place every year in Gaeta on Serapo beach at the “La Nave di Serapo” lido.

A Shirt for Francesca

Valuable shirts donated to the association and autographed by celebrities connected to them are offered in a final drawing to those who donate during the solidarity contest.

Concert for NAnA

On Tuesday, October 29, 2019, the Concert for NAnA was held at the Naples Area North Theater (TAN).

Musical Artistic Thoughts to support the scientific project “Francesca’s Cells” under the artistic direction of Maurizio Capone at the invitation of the Biobeauty Laboratory of the Department of Biology of the Federico II University of Naples.